61002, Kharkiv city, str. Yaroslav the Wise, building 17 info@kharkivinvest.org

Office Address

  • 61002, Kharkiv region, Kharkiv city, str. Yaroslav the Wise, building 17
  • contact@kharkivinvest.org
  • (00) 2500-123-4567

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The Barabashova market site and surrounding river areas will be transformed into a new, iconic, revolutionary mixed-use neighbourhood, dedicated to promoting scientific and technological innovation. This forward-looking project will merge the innovation generation capacity of science parks, with state-of-the-art approaches to neighbourhood creation. New housing schemes will be created, as well as flexible multitenant buildings that will promote economic development of the city through innovative research and companies. The Barabashova market will be kept in the site, in a modernized and compact version. The presence and link to universities will be essential, as well as designing prominent public spaces and buildings to promote a human-centred neighbourhood of the future. Links to the rest of the city will be ensured, thanks to the strategic location of the neighbourhood, between the Barabashova metro station, the Saltivka tram line, and the Kharkiv river.

A thorough feasibility study will be developed to dimension the intervention following local demand, to quantify its economic impact, and to establish innovation generation strategies tailored to Kharkiv’s needs. The approximate area for the intervention will be 140 hectares, with the potential for future growth. New interactive design tools will also be developed in both physical and digital formats, in order to design the components that will make up the new neighbourhood in a participatory and efficient way. Through the collaboration of unique local and international teams, the Barabashova Science Neighbourhood aims to become the flagship project for the new Kharkiv masterplan: a new neighbourhood in the heart of Kharkiv that will position the city and the country on the frontline of innovation, technology and urbanism.
